Which translated roughly to "This land is being watched by the community group Belen", meaning that the house was deemed "unused", so the community took the property and (subsequently) gave it to a local poor person who petitioned for it. It's important to note though, that the vast majority of these poor people do not/will not work and do not pay for their electricity or water. This is another example of the common end-result of Chávez' Socialismo: removing all incentive for people to strive to be productive or responsible. And these ideals are passed down to their children. And that is the key to what support Chávez has: he plays into the historic culture of poor Venezolanos expecting handouts without any effort on their part. It's very deep-rooted here and will pose quite a problem for any future President who actually tries to govern this country responsibly. Until then, the educated complain and leave and the poor sit in their doorsteps and look for the next handout while their children entertain themselves in the dirt.